TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM'S WORK!! -- Especially when it comes to capturing the lifelong memories from your Special Day! -- that is why I always tell my Brides and Grooms that choosing the right vendors is crucial when planning the Best Day Ever!
Of the thousands... and thousands!!.. of decisions that you have to make for your Big Day -- one decision that often gets overlooked is whether to hire separate photo and video vendors or opt for a team that does both!
Here are a few reasons why choosing a Photography and Videography team can make your big day run smoother -- which will make the day even more enjoyable for you and your Best Friend!
They say there is no I in TEAM, but there is in WIN -- and let me tell you that you can surely WIN if you choose a Photo/Video TEAM for your Big Day! So grab your favorite team jersey and let me tell you about the many bonuses of choosing a Photography and Videography TEAM!
Fewer Cameras -- More Focused Attention!
Imagine standing at the altar with the Love of your Life -- about to say “I do,” and instead of just Amanda and I capturing the moment -- you have FOUR (or sometimes even more!!) people trying to capture the moment...! Having that many people focused on you can feel overwhelming and even distracting at times!! By choosing a team that handles both photography and videography -- you reduce the number of cameras in your face.. which ultimately makes the wedding experience more intimate and comfortable for you and your Bestie!
Amanda and I can capture all the essential moments and everything that we need -- without making you feel like you are being chased by the paparazzi!
Convenience!! Two Vendors all wrapped up in One!
Amanda and I can sympathize that Wedding planning can be stressful!! -- so why not make the process easier on yourself?
When you book a Photo/Video team -- you are checking off two major items on your To-Do List with one booking!! There is no need to coordinate between separate vendors, schedule additional meetings, or worry about different styles clashing on your Big Day!
The nice thing about our team is that Amanda and I are teammates in the business world -- and most importantly in life!! We have been working together and can finish each other sentences without even thinking! Through years and years of marriage and business experience our workflow and styles match perfectly which will help make the day run smoothly!
Time-Saving Efficiency
Since Amanda and I know how to work together -- this will translate into more efficient use of your time on your Wedding Day!! We have done countless weddings -- so we know exactly what poses we need and how to stick to your timeline! There is no need to wait for a videographer to finish their shot before the photographer can step in -- we work in harmony to capture everything quickly and beautifully, allowing you more time to enjoy your Special Day!
In fact -- as I am writing this Blog I am thinking about questions that we discussed at a photography meetup that I just went to! One of the Questions asked at the meeting was, "Do you enjoy working with your spouse?" And all I could think is -- Yes, Yes, YES!! I love working with Amanda -- and wouldn't want to work with anyone else for that matter! We compliment each other in so many different ways that it helps us operate as a well-oiled machine, ensuring that your day is captured seamlessly!! She is my Best Friend, my Wife, and my Teammate for life! We love working together and there is never a question about what our goal for your Big Day is -- we are always on the same page!
Comfort and Connection
Being comfortable in front of the camera is key to natural, beautiful photos and videos!!
That is why Amanda and I prefer doing Engagement Sessions with our couples!! (Read this Blog here where I talk specifically about the Bonuses of having and Engagement Session before your Big Day!)
Amanda and I think that Engagement Sessions are a perfect opportunity for us all to get to know each other!! -- so when your Wedding Day arrives -- it feels more like friends and people who you got to know on a more personal level are capturing your Love Story!! -- not just vendors you are meeting for the first time!
This connection allows you to relax and be yourself, resulting in more genuine and heartfelt images and footage!
In the end -- and as always! -- we would encourage you to do what makes sense for you and your Best Friend for your Big Day!!
We think that choosing a photo/video team for your wedding means a more streamlined, comfortable, and enjoyable experience! It’s one decision that can make a big difference on your big day! Either way you can't make a wrong decision it will be a great day no matter what, because you are beginning a beautiful journey with the Love of your Life!!
To all of our Past, Present, and Future Brides and Grooms, we hope that your lives are filled with Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever After!
Edward Jacob
P.S. You can check out some of my Highlight Videos here!!