VEILS!!! How Much do I LOVE Thee?? -- Let me count the ways!!
This Blog is all about VEILS!! -- Within today's Blog I will be more or less unVEILING the Magic that elevates Wedding Photography with --- Veils! See what I did there? haha! Terrible I know -- but it gave me a laugh when I thought about it so I typed my Dad-Dog joke out anyway and hopefully my terrible pun put a smile on your face on this February day!
There is nothing that I can say that's bad about a veil! I LOVE veils!! In fact -- with Wedding Photography they are hands down my favorite prop to use!! The reason I love them so much is, because there are literally ENDLESS things that you can do with them that make amazing photographs!! Veils allow me to use leading lines to draw the attention and highlight you and your Best Friend -- while at the same time produce beautiful and timeless photos!!
Come join me for a Veil of a Tale on how much I love veils!

Picture this -- a bride, in her veil, stepping into the sunlight as it dances through the trees, creating a halo around her -- hold up... wait??!! This was real life!! Look at the Picture above!! -- Hellllo Kayla!! This is one of my Favorite photographs of a Bride -- which happened on a whim!! There were this overgrown area and Amanda and I spotted it out of the corners of our eyes! When we asked Kayla if she would be interested in venturing to this area and she accepted -- and needless to say we were very excited!! As a photographer, these are the moments Amanda and I live for -– where the Bride, Groom, and of course the veil become the star of the show!!

But veils are not just about looking pretty -- they're about fun and versatility too!! Long veils, short veils, all veils make me excited to be creative!! We can put you and your partner underneath of the veil for a classic look or we can jump underneath there with you to have a soft background!! -- But let's not forget the joy of capturing those candid moments between the bride and groom! Whether it's a stolen kiss or a shared laugh, veils have a magical way of framing those precious moments, that we hope will turn them into memories that last a lifetime!!
So, let's celebrate the magic of veils –- the best accessory that not only enhance the beauty of the bride but also elevate the entire wedding photography experience! With veils in hand -- or should I say.. on head! -- every picture becomes a masterpiece!
To the couples out there about to start one of Life's Greatest Adventures or to our Current and Past Brides and Grooms -- we hope that your lives are filled with Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever After!
Edward Jacob

Let's celebrate the magic of veils –- the best accessory that not only enhances the Beauty of the Bride -- but also elevate the entire Wedding Photography experience! With veils in hand -- or should I say.. on head! -- every picture becomes a masterpiece!
To the couples out there ready to start one of Life's Greatest Adventures and to our Current and Past Brides and Grooms -- we hope that your lives are filled with Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever After!
Edward Jacob
Are you recently Engaged or know of someone who recently got Engaged?
Contact me for my 2024 Wedding Date Availability!! There are only 3 Dates left and we have started booking for 2025!
We look forward to hearing from you soon and cannot wait to help capture memories that will last a lifetime!