One look at you and the color of your Heart shines through!

Maybe I am a little sentimental -- because today marks the 10 year Anniversary for Amanda and I!! 10 years!!?? You Serious Clark? Time flys when you're having fun and to be honest I can still remember the emotions and excitement I felt when I made vows and promises to my very Best Friend for the first time!! But as I sit here and reflect on the best 10 years of my life! I still have to buckle down and get some work done -- it is Wedding Season Baby and there is no rest for the weary!!

So dear friends -- what type of Adventures have Amanda and I been up to lately??!! -- Well today.. I have the privilege of sharing the Love Story of a couple whose kindness and adventurous spirit left such an impression on me from their Wedding Day!! So without further ado -- please meet Emily and Kenny!! -- the dynamic duo who defied the sweltering heat of their Wedding Day with grace, spontaneity, AND most importantly.. a whole heck of a lot of fun!

As a Photographer -- I have been fortunate to capture countless Love Stories -- but never have I been around a couple as warm-hearted and open to new experiences as Emily and Kenny! From the moment I first met them at their Engagement Session, I could sense the genuine love and connection that they shared! It was such a great honor to be able to be the person responsible for capturing their Special Day that I hope will create lifelong memories for these two Love Birds!!

So grab yourself a tall glass of ice cold... Lemonade!!.. ((We have to keep it somewhat PG in this blog -- but you're an adult... so you do you!)) and join me for the story of such an amazing couple -- Kenny and Emily!

greensburgh wedding photographs
greensburg wedding photographs

Before we get into it -- let's talk about the weather! You might not be able to tell from the pictures and their smiling faces -- BUT.. Boy Oh Boy -- I am not going to lie it was a hot one!!! However even through all of this do you know what struck me the most?? Emily and Kenny's relentless enthusiasm and joy throughout the ENTIRE day despite of the heat! Even with the scorching temperatures -- there was not a single moment that I heard a complaint from either one of them!! Instead -- they both accepted it, embraced it, and were willing to try any pose or anything that I asked of them! I appreciated that so much about Kenny and Emily, their willingness to go with the flow and be in the moment no matter the temperature!

greensburg pa wedding photos
wedding photos greensburg pa

I felt like the whole Wedding Day flowed seamlessly like a beautifully choreographed dance -- and I was the lucky person with a front-row seat!! I do have to mention that Amanda and I are total nerds about organization and planning!! -- BUT I believe that our obsession about organization helps the Big Day run smoothly and effortlessly! I feel that for Emily and Kenny the whole day was a true testament to the love story that they share!! The entire day was filled with love, laughter, and a touch of spontaneity with every picture I was taking!

Indian lake wedding photo
Indian lake greensburg wedding photos

As the day was coming to an end -- I usually take a moment to reflect on the day -- the highs and the areas for improvement. For Kenny and Emily's Big Day -- I was so humbled by this amazing couple!! Their kindness and love for one another was visibly present in EVERY photo I took and then later edited from their Special Day!!

I really believe that Emily and Kenny's love has no bounds -- it thrived despite the heat.. and it warmed the hearts of everyone present!! -- I mean take a look for yourself and you tell me!

wedding photos Indian lake
wedding photograph Indian lake

A lot of the time at Weddings for ALL of my Brides and Grooms I strive not to be JUST a Photographer -- but a Storyteller!! I want to capture the whole story of the day for ALL of my Brides and Grooms!! I want to capture their love, their laughter, and their shared dreams with one another! Witnessing the journeys of all of my Brides and Grooms from two individuals madly in love transform to a married couple is such an honor that I get to experience every weekend and experiences that will stay with Amanda and I forever! With couples just like Kenny and Emily -- I feel that I am so fortunate to be constantly be reminded of why I picked up a camera in the first place -- to capture the beauty of human connections and to tell the stories of their Special Days that will last for lifetimes!

Here's to love that conquers all, that cools even the hottest of days, and to the couple who proved that kindness and adventure are the keys to unlocking the most beautiful Love Stories of all!

We hope that your lives are filled with Love, Laughter and Happily Ever After!

Edward Jacob

wedding photo Indian lake greensburg